Digital Marketing Coach For Accountants

Online marketing coaching and mentoring for CPAs and bookkeepers

The best internet marketing coach for accountants

Take what we do every day for our CPA clients and use it in your own business. If you’re recently started your accounting or bookkeeping firm you’re likely sitting with more time on your hands than free cash to invest in marketing activities. Why not do it yourself with the guidance of an online marketing coach that knows your industry and can guide you through it.


Create a digital marketing strategy that works for CPAs.

Web traffic

Be found online and get thousands of visitors per month.


Learn how to generate leads and new enquiries for your firm.


Save time and money with a digital marketing coach that specializes in services for accountants and bookkeepers.

Can your firm handle an additional 3 - 5 new clients per month?

Mike de Ravel - Founder

Our online coaching program is designed to help you build a complete digital marketing strategy for your accounting firm so that you can start generating a steady stream of leads each month and cut down the time it would normally take you to grow your business. Our Agency Director, Mike, will walk you through the entire process.

What's included in our online coaching program?

This package includes:

Plus, you’ll have access to our team if there are certain modules you’d prefer to just pay someone to do.

What do we cover?

Our digital marketing coaching is broken into various modules.

You’ll start by creating your strategy and brand positioning. We’ll then create a killer offer and put in place the mechanisms for your lead generation machine.

We then focus on driving prospects to you by optimizing each source of traffic for your business, from your website and SEO to social media and public relations.

If you already have some of these in place, we can enhance them and move on.

Module 1

Competitor research, Strategy, Pricing, Positioning, Target Audiences, Define KPIs & Set Up Measurement Tracking.

Module 2

The Offer
We help you put together the engine of your lead generation - an offer that's too good to refuse. Plus all the backend tricks that really turn up the conversion rates.

Module 3

We give you the tools and templates to build a great accounting website, mobile 1st and fast.

Module 4

Promote The Offer
Using social media ads and a small budget you'll start promoting your new offer. You'll start generating a list of new leads.

Module 5

SEO Basics
Learn how to do keyword research well, build a target KW list and optimize your new website to rank on Google.

Module 6

In-depth SEO
Start generating traffic with SEO. Optimize your Google My Business profile, learn how to create blogs that rank and get backlinks.

Module 7

Video Content
Start creating video content for Youtube, your website and social media to boost lead flow.

Module 8

Social Media
We'll give you tips to optimize your social media profiles and create content that actually works.

Module 9

Use email automations to nurture new leads as they convert and retain existing clients.

Module 10

Learn how to use LinkedIn to generate accounting or bookkeeping leads without being spammy.

Module 11

We'll walk you through how to use webinars to generate leads, how to advertise them and set them up.

Module 12

With a solid marketing engine in place, it's time to get the word out with good PR tactics that send more traffic into your sales machine.
organic impressions
+ 0
organic visitors
+ 0
increase in new organic enquiries
0 %

These are the results we recently achieved for just 1 new accounting client over a 6 month period.
From less than 5,000 organic impressions and 45 website visitors per month to this.
How would your business (and life) change with results like this?

How does it work?

You do the work. We coach you.

Our mission at MITCO Digital is to help accountants and bookkeepers grow successful firms. But we understand that you may not have the budget to allocate to agency fees plus advertising spend.

For that reason we’ve developed this coaching course that reduces the upfront investment for you AND gives you the guidance, structure, templates and resources you need to build a successful online marketing strategy and start generating new enquiries.

We’ll have an initial onboarding meeting and from there have follow up meetings every two weeks. During these meetings we’ll go through the progress that you’ve made in completing tasks and look at upcoming tasks. We’ll use our agency best practice frameworks to guide you. The workload is balanced and we move at the pace that you set. If you have the time to move through multiple tasks quickly, we’ll do that. If not, we’ll move a little more slowly. 

We use to manage all communications, tasks and files with you and our team.

Meet your online marketing coach

Mike de Ravel
Mike de RavelManaging Director
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With Mike you get a coach that cares just as much about your business as you do. Our mission at MITCO Digital is to help you grow your accounting or bookkeeping firm with online marketing strategies that actually work.

Because I grew up in an accounting family (my father and grandfather each had their own very successful firms) and we work exclusively in your industry, we know accounting, your challenges and the clients you're trying to attract. Together with our awesome team of marketing specialists, I can coach you through the marketing strategies that will help you get new clients online.

Hire A CPA Marketing Consultant For Your Accounting Firm

Mike de Ravel - Founder

Learn how to grow your business online with an expert digital marketing coach. Submit the form to sign up or ask us a question.


Got a question we haven’t answered here? Get in touch and ask us.

You do have to go through each module for the reason that we need to ensure that the right foundations are strong and in place before we build upon them.

However, if those foundations are strong (for example, you already have an excellent website) then we can move through that module very quickly and on to the next one.

No. When it comes to the more technical aspects that are less time consuming, like creating pixels and installing code, our team will do that as part of the course. 

For more intensive items, like creating a website you can do it yourself if you have the skills, or use our web design team, at discounted rates for course members.

That’s 100% up to you. We’ll coach you and explain what needs to be done. You can choose to do it all yourself or outsource some of it. In some cases is might make more sense to outsource it. Our marketing team is able to handle all or some of the workload for you and we can offer you discounted rates as a member of our coaching program.

Step 1: Sign up here by submitting the form.
Step 2: We’ll send you a welcome email with a payment link.
Step 3: Once payment is received we’ll send you an online onboarding pack and set up a kick-off meeting where we’ll get to know each other, discuss your business and establish the game plan moving forward.
Step 4: Together, we get started with your growing your business online!

Still got questions before signing up? Book a discover call to ask us your questions.

Get Our 1 Page Marketing Checklist

Exclusively for accountants & bookkeepers!