Digital Marketing
Plans & Pricing

Marketing Plans For Accountants

We’ve taking the digital marketing strategies that work best for our accounting firm clients and put them into these 3 core packages.

Every plan includes a new website if you need one, a marketing strategy, quarterly plan and automations.

These marketing plans for accounting firms run monthly, starting at US $1,250/m.

If you’re not quite at that level yet, talk to us about a custom Google ads-only plan.


Build your online presence.
  • Marketing Strategy & Quarterly Plans
  • Mobile 1st Website
  • Monthly Website Content
  • Website Maintenance
  • SEO
  • Backlinks
  • 1 Lead Magnet / Yr
  • Brand Building Ads
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Monthly PDF & Video Report


Generate leads with paid ads and organic traffic.
  • Marketing Strategy & Quarterly Plans
  • Mobile 1st Website
  • Monthly Website Content
  • Website Maintenance
  • SEO
  • Backlinks
  • 2 Lead Magnets & Landing Pages / Yr
  • Facebook Ads Campaign
  • Google Ads Campaign
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Monthly PDF & Video Report
Most Popular


Let's switch it on! Accelerate your growth today.
  • Marketing Strategy & Quarterly Plans
  • Mobile 1st Website
  • Monthly Website Content
  • Website Maintenance
  • Website SEO + Youtube SEO
  • Backlinks
  • 4 Lead Magnets & Landing Pages / Yr
  • Multiple Ad Campaigns
  • Monthly Webinar
  • Short Format Videos
  • Social Media Video Posts
  • Monthly Client Newsletter
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Monthly PDF & Video Report
High Success

Our Add-On Packages

Looking for a little boost? Add one of these to your package.

Monthly posting to your social media platforms of choice.


Run webinars to build your online authority and generate leads.

Communicate and retain existing clients. Nurture new prospects.

Book a discover call with us to discuss your firm and the right package for you.

I started investing in CPA marketing services from MITCO Digital nearly day 1 of opening my firm. Within 3 months they have already helped me build better processes and start getting me leads and clients that already covers their fee. Plus, I have much more time to focus on other tasks in my business.

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Exclusively for accountants & bookkeepers!